Baby Store

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Plan My Baby

Start Planning the Family of Your Dreams Today. Baby Boy or Baby Girl ? The Choice is Now Yours!


“Over 94% of couples that followed my method had the boy or girl they wanted.”


Prince or Princess ?
Choosing Your Baby’s Gender Before Conception.”

Here are Some of the Things you Will Find in the Prince or Princess Guide:
  • Why 87% of future parents are using the wrong methods to have children and how to avoid making the same mistakes!
  • How conception works and an understanding of the factors affecting conception 0f a baby boy or baby girl.
  • The theory behind “X” and “Y” chromosome sperm and how you can control which sperm to fertilize the egg.
  • Dietary program you can adopt which will significantly boost your chances of conceiving the baby of boy or baby girl specifically.
  • Information on your fertility cycle and how to increase your fertility.
  • How to calculate your ovulation date and use this knowledge to determine the gender of your baby.
  • Why is a woman’s vagina pH levels important and how it affects male sperms?
  • Learn about different sexual positions and how each position helps in determining the gender of the baby.
  • How timing of your intercourse at specific times of your fertility cycle can swing the odds of conceiving a boy or a girl specifically.
  • A woman should aim to achieve orgasm if trying to conceive a baby boy.  Why is this, find out here!
  • And much more…
3 Easy Steps in Choosing Your
Baby’s Gender Before Conception!”

Step 1: Ovulation and Importance of Knowing When you are Ovulating for Conceiving a Boy or Girl

When you know more about how your body conceives and nurtures your baby you will want to take the best care of yourself you can.
As a woman, there are very short periods of time when you are likely to conceive. In these short periods of time, certain factors will decide to whether a  boy or a girl is conceived.
It is as simple as this:
If your ph is alkaline you are much more likely to have a boy.
If your ph is acidic you are much more likely to have a girl.
You’ll also find out more about the importance of basal body temperature and how to take it. The facts about cervical mucus and many more things you, as a woman, need to know about your body to help you conceive.
To cut the long story short, the timing of your intercourse is vital and the Prince or Princess Guide will give you a clear picture of how and when to time your intercourse.
Step 2: Adjust Your Diet to Create the Ideal Environment for Sperm X or Sperm Y

As a woman when you decide to conceive a child you need to change your lifestyle. Most of us do not take as good of care of ourselves as we should.  I cover what a good diet is for conception as well as specific diets which can help to increase your chances of getting a boy or a girl baby.
The diets are very easy to do, with minimal preparation.
You will be able to understand how small changes in your diet, either leaving out foods or adding certain foods will raise the ph or lower it. This is needed in order to increase the probability of you conceiving a certain baby gender.
I also cover good and bad foods for pregnancy and how you need to be concerned about your alcohol, tobacco and other drug treatments when pregnant and if you decide to nurse your baby later.
The decision to have a baby is not a light one and you and your partner should consider all the changes and sacrifices that will need to be made to have a healthy baby. Having your new baby will be worth it all!
Step 3: Use a Particular Sexual Position to Conceive a Boy or a Girl

I cover the different sexual positions and which ones work the best for a boy or a girl. The positions are normal ones, very easy to do and comes with sketched graphics for better understanding. You will find out how different positions will help to place the either the “X” or “Y” chromosome sperm in the best position to be fertilize the egg which ultimately determines the sex of the baby.
And this is what you will find in the guide:
  • Understanding Ovulation and the timing of it (Page 7)
  • How to calculate your ovulation date accurately (Page 9)
  • Factors influencing fertility and how to manipulate these factors to dramatically increase your chances of conceiving (Page 10)
  • Falling pregnant and what to expect (Page 16)
  • Description of how conception works (Page 23)
  • Understanding genetics and how a boy or a girl is conceived (Page 31)
  • How pH levels in your body will make a difference in conceiving a boy or girl and how you can control it (Page 34)
  • How the foods your eat can will create the correct environment for X or Y sperm (Page 36)
  • What foods you should eat to conceive a boy or girl (Page 37)
  • Knowing the characteristics of male sperm vs. female sperm and how to use this knowledge to your advantage to conceive a boy or a girl (Page 40)
  • Why timing your intercourse before ovulation will make you conceive a baby ______ (Page 41)
  • How different sexual positions can affect gender selection (Page 46)
  • Which sexual position is best for conceiving baby boy or girl (Part 47)
  • How a woman’s orgasm affects the gender of the baby (Page 51)
  • How your man should ejaculate to conceive a baby boy (Page 54)
  • A concise guide – what to do to conceive a boy or girl (Page 59)
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